About The Site


3-5-2005: Site posted online and updated with full galleries, weblog, links to art sites, and a semi functioning membership. At this point all wannabe members need to email me with their info, and with content, and I"ll upload it until I get the server up and running. Thank you.

-The Moderator-

~ About the Site ~

      This site was originally developed as a project for a web page design class. The required final was issued, it was to brainstorm and idea for a webpage, and then using our knowledge of HTML and Dreamweaver MX 2004, we were to create this website as it would be published on the internet. Being as I had possible way to publish a site, it took till now to actually get my idea on "paper", so to speak.

     And so here it is, the idea come to life. For now the site is going to have to survive with ME as the server, since I'm obvioulsy not rich enough to buy a server to run this site. Thus all content to be added will have to be mailed to me until I get it up and running, and until further noticed you'll have to contact me for "membership" as I'm only allowing friends on, but it wont hurt to ask =D. I hope that eventually fledgling comic sites would send sample art here to get the "word out" as well as using places like VCL, DeviantArt, and Elfwood.

Erik Ross Little