Afterdark Art and Photography


10-02-05: Ok, so I've updated the main page, and now I've updated Dixie's page, some of my art, and a little bit of my Digital Photography work.

5-19-06: And...look, I'm back lol. Ok, so the site isn't going as fast as I want it to, but I'm hoping to get things worked out so I can actually make a webpage that updates if not weekly, then bi-monthly, or I may even settle for monthly. But I have enough art saved up to last me the month. Though...I hope it doesn't become a trend of saving up 7 months of work for an update o.O

The updates are as follows:

1. Mod's Gallery
2. Erica's Gallery
3. Tara's Gallery
4. Kevin's Gallery
5. Sherwoods Gallery
6. Complete reformation of my file structure.

~ This Weeks Favorites ~
Their Gallery

Their Gallery

Their Gallery

Their Gallery

Update as of May 19th, 2006

So when I look at the sidebar I can see that its been...*counts* 7 months, and 17 days since I last even touched this site. Well...we can't have that now can we o.O I've been thinking about how best to manage updating this site, and with Dixie on the route to never talking to or of me again, Tara up in WAY East Fumbuck Maine, and me moving to a place where I'll be stuck on some spotty dial-up, I realized that I can't for one, do this weekly, and secondly, I may have to update bi-monthly, monthly, or hell, I may even have to wait until AUGUST unless I get back to my apartment where I'll have faster internet. But for now, I've figured that I have enough back logged items ((this is revised from the sidebar)) to atleast upload half if not a quarter of the galleries here. I really need more people though, so if by some fated chance Google or Alta-Vista or MSN or Yahoo! have brought you here, and you have art or writing you want put up, EMAIL ME!!

I have new contact information as well. If you're interested in links, copywrited material that may have appeared on my site, or adding your art to what I've done hear, you can contact me at the following...

AIM: virtualanrchist
Yahoo!: xx_dragonofrock_xx

~The Moderator~